Jessica Glynn was born.

1990 October 05

Created by Lisa 15 years ago
Jessica Glynn was born on October 05, 1990 in Wolverhampton,UK. Jess was born in our local hospital (Newcross) just after 9 in the morning. My own Mom was with me to give me support. Jess appeared with a mass of lovely red hair, it was curly and came down to the bottom of her shoulders, i could even have tied it up! As soon as i saw her i just new that this would be a very special person. When i had been pregnant, people who i did not even know would come up to me and say they did not know why they had to speak to me but they felt that they had to tell me that the child i was having would be very special. And how right they had all been. My daughter has been an inspiration to many and also myself.