Miss my baby

2009 June 14

Created by Lisa 15 years ago
I miss Jess so much, its just so hard to find any joy in this world after what has happened, i am trying very hard to move forward and i suppose i am, but life will never be truly happy, cause my baby is missing. I have book the holiday in Spain, we are going to my Dads place. I feel that Jess will be with us, she hass been there several times before. Naomi is really looking forward to it, we do need some time away together, its been such a hard last year, we have found it difficult to talk to one another, so time together will be good. Naomi and my Mom went to see a medium yesterday, i sa the same one around 3 months ago. I got clear evidence that it was Jess she even got the name, she only said the name Jess not a long line of names like she was guessing it. My Mom said and Na said that they were given evidence from Jess that only they would know and Jes new. So i think it is quite clear that Jess is still around, i feel she is round me a lot, helping me. I just wish i could hear her, have a chat with her! Or a gossip, like we used to. Just love and miss her so much.