I miss you so much Jess, wish Heaven had a phone
2010 February 20
Created by Lisa 14 years ago
Its been a long winter, so cold and sad. Me and Nay, just miss Jesss so much, we have found it so hard to move our lives forward, no-one would understand unless they had been through it themselves.
We are planning Naomi's bday, its tough for her cause its just 10 days before Jess died. She was thinking about a party, but now has decided on a spa break, i think it will chill her out and it will be nice to spend time with her. Im sure that Jess will be with us she loved stuff like that, back in Dec 2006, we had a break at Hoar Cross Hall, she loved it.
I love both Jess and Nay with all my heart and Izzy too! The pain of losing a child, my child makes me feel so ill at times as i said you can't have any understanding how life really does stop and really you won't ever be fully happy again not ever, well only when we meet again.