March 2010
2010 March 05
Created by Lisa 14 years ago
I wish that me and Jess could talk, so much has happened, Nay has been down, well so have i. It's no good thinking that you will ever be cured of this, cause thats mad, you can't be made better, it's not a sickness, you just miss and love them so much. I don't suppose anyone can really understand unless this has happened to them.
Another young person has died of FHC, he lived in America, he sounded a bit like Jess, just getting on with it, he also raised a lot of money to find a cure. I hope that one day we will all be able tp work together because of these two amazing people.
Its my sisters bday tomorrow, so i will go up to town in a bit to get her a present. The week after its mother's day, thats going to be hard, Jess always made it special, iknow that Nay will try, but there is always going to be one of my baby's missing.
Debbie came round last night, she's helping me with ideas for Jessica's fund, she's amazing, she has now had cancer for 10 years, costant chemo, but againg just like Jess gets on with it. You know some people moan so much about their lives, its quite pathetic when you think of what some people are going through.