April 2010
2010 April 09
Created by Lisa 14 years ago
We have just got past Easter and Leanne's wedding. It was a wonderful day, i know that Jess would have been there. Leanne let a balloon off for Jess and 3 other people who were close to her, she is so kind and such a good friend. She also gave her flowers to Jess, i put them up at Danescourt, they look beautiful, loads of pink roses with pink feathers, i know that Jess will love them,l she has all the best things still! As she always did have.
It is next month that it will be 2 years, time just passes so fast, don't know if thats good thing or not. Each day apart is a day closer, i have to think of it like that, but thats not in a bad way if you know what i mean. I will put a photo up of the beautiful flowers given to Jess in the next few days, they are still memories of Jess as i know that Jess still goes on somewhere else, a much better place where those who are special can only go.