Missing Jess
2009 July 12
Created by Lisa 15 years ago
Time is just flying by so fast, hard to believe that we are nearly in mid July, the only consolation is that in reality it is a day closer to seeing my baby. People may think that its a strange thing to say, but its fact. I love Naomi as well, i would never do anything silly, she needs looking after and it would also be an insult to Jess, she would be really mad with me. But it is very hard without Jess, she is always on my mind everyday, when i wake up until i go to bed, i know she is around me i just can't see her. I firmly belive that life doesn't just stop when we leave our body, our spirit lives on. Jess was a chosen one to go because she was so special, God needed her for important stuff.
Im still waiting to hear from the QE about the fund, i will email them tomorrow if i have not heard, i have plenty of ideas.
Me and Na are going to spain on the 23rd of this month, to my Dad's place, Jess has been there before several times, im sure she will be with us.